Ahoy, friends! How are you? I hope you continue to power through the Covid-19 Pandemic. Ideally these vaccines will continue to roll out and we’ll be back up to our usual shenanigans come Summer. Time will tell, I suppose.. Until then, wash those hands, social distance, and wear masks! We had a…
Ahoy! It’s that festive time of year, friends! We hope you had a splendid Christmas Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, whatever! OR just a splendid holiday season in general, even if you aren’t into the organized religious experiences. Regardless of whatever cult you follow, my aspiration for you is that you had…
Hey people! Dangggg, it’s been a while! I hope all of you are safe, healthy, and avoiding the Covid fatigue. Keep grinding friends, unfortunately, we’re still in the thick of things and it appears it’s going to stay this way for a while. In other news, we have lots to catch up…
Ahoy- It’s been quite a while since the last Cannabis Update; after completing the TCK Blog project, I needed a little break from writing- and had quite the adventures in the meantime. In early September, my roommate, Hasban and I, road tripped back to the great state of Illinois. On the way,…
Hi All- Hoping things are cool in your area, as everything else seems to be heating up (this damn virus and the weather in general). Luckily, we’ve got a few tips to help you beat the heat! It’s been a few weeks, so let’s get down to business and talk Cannabis Crops. Things…
Hi Friends- I’d like to start by thanking everybody who provided feedback, love, and good vibes regarding my last email and tribute to Dora. Your support, words of encouragement, and compassion is motivating, certainly made me smile, and also helped ease the transition to life without Dora. I miss that crazy Dora…
It is with a heavy heart that I compose this message; as I’d like to provide a cannabis update and open up my heart regarding my dog Dora, who I painfully had to put down 4 weeks ago.
Friends- Some of you are new to this “cannabis update” email. I figured I’d add you as it might be a brief source of entertainment during the lockdown. I typically send an update email about our cannabis plants every other week. If you aren’t interested, let me know and I’ll remove you.…
Hi friends- I hope you are staying safe, healthy, and motivated during these strange times. I’m sending good vibes and believe things will start looking up sooner than later. It’s been a while since the last Cannabis and Covid update, and by golly, I’ve got loads to share! I’d like to start…
Ahoy friends- I hope everyone is staying isolated and staying safe during these wild times. Hoping this email takes your mind off the ol’ Corona virus- this is just a typical cannabis plants update from the Nevada House. First, the plants have officially entered the “Flowering Stage” of their life cycle. After…